By David Scott / Religious Demonologist
This article was written for the purpose of educating people on the subject of possession and how it can and does happen. This is a subject that a lot of people find both interesting and fascinating. Some times for the wrong reasons. One of the most common questions that people have asked me is how does a person become possessed? Well, let me go ahead and put some of you at ease by telling you that a demon simply can not jump in to you and take control of you. It just doesn’t work that way. There are three (3) very specific stages that must occur before someone can become a victim of possession. They are infestation, oppression, and finally possession.
Infestation stage - The demon introduces itself into the life of the intended target or victim. This is usually done in a deceitful manner. For example, if you have a deceased relative it may try to make you think it’s one of them so you will allow it to hang around. Some other ways that it may come into the life of a person is through séances, Ouija boards, conjuring, and lastly moving into an infested home. Moving into an infested home is not uncommon I’m sad to say. After it has been given your permission to be in your life (most individuals do not even realize that they ever gave it permission to be there) it begins to show its true self and the oppression stage begins.
Oppression stage - This is when the demon picks out its intended target or victim and begins its onslaught. This is when things begin to happen around the home and that is usually only around it’s target. For example, furniture may start moving on its own, small things disappear and reappear in odd places. The person may begin to hear strange noises like scratching on the walls, whispering coming from empty rooms, shadows moving around the house, and seeing things out of the corner of their eyes, foul smells, etc. All of these things are done very subtly. This is so the person will begin to second guess themselves, doubt themselves, and eventually go crazy. In most cases nothing will ever happen to anyone else in the home, just that one person (the target). This is also done in order to make everyone else doubt the person or make them think that the person is crazy. If no one believes the targeted person then it makes it that much easier to break the individual down mentally because that person will begin to seriously think that they are crazy. If it does get to that point the person will then usually develop the mind set of “I give up”, or “Just do whatever it is your going to do and get it over with” or something that indicates that they give up mentally and emotionally. Once the person has said or done that, then possession could occur.
Possession - This is when the demon actually enters into the person and takes control. Unless you are a part of the person’s immediate family or close friend you may never know the person is possessed. The person will not be possessed all day everyday like some people believe. It is random. In some cases the person did not even know they were possessed.
If someone is possessed there are often certain signs of it. For example, the person may suddenly be able to speak a language fluently that they never learned, they may know things about people that no one else knows, they do not want anything to do with church or holy items, they can’t stand to hear the name Jesus Christ, and they may show sudden signs of super human strength. There are of course more signs than that but these are the most common. One other way to tell if someone is possessed is that the person will not remember when they are. Unless someone has told the person what they did while they were possessed then they simply won’t remember anything that may have happened. If they claim that they do remember then they aren’t victims of possession but simply looking for attention. Now having said that, there are ways for the clergy and R. Demonologist’s to tell if someone is really possessed or not. I will not however say what they are for obvious reasons. Just know that most clergy and R. Demonologist’s can tell so it would be wise for you not to act like it to get attention because you would only cause yourself embarrassment. This leads me to the fact that clergy would need to be called in to perform an exorcism. Only clergy can perform an exorcism and it has to be a Catholic priest because the Catholic Church is the only denomination that knows how to perform one properly. R. Demonologist’s can not perform an exorcism on a person but they can assist if needed by the priest.
By David Scott / Religious Demonologist
This article was written for the purpose of educating people on the subject of possession and how it can and does happen. This is a subject that a lot of people find both interesting and fascinating. Some times for the wrong reasons. One of the most common questions that people have asked me is how does a person become possessed? Well, let me go ahead and put some of you at ease by telling you that a demon simply can not jump in to you and take control of you. It just doesn’t work that way. There are three (3) very specific stages that must occur before someone can become a victim of possession. They are infestation, oppression, and finally possession.
Infestation stage - The demon introduces itself into the life of the intended target or victim. This is usually done in a deceitful manner. For example, if you have a deceased relative it may try to make you think it’s one of them so you will allow it to hang around. Some other ways that it may come into the life of a person is through séances, Ouija boards, conjuring, and lastly moving into an infested home. Moving into an infested home is not uncommon I’m sad to say. After it has been given your permission to be in your life (most individuals do not even realize that they ever gave it permission to be there) it begins to show its true self and the oppression stage begins.
Oppression stage - This is when the demon picks out its intended target or victim and begins its onslaught. This is when things begin to happen around the home and that is usually only around it’s target. For example, furniture may start moving on its own, small things disappear and reappear in odd places. The person may begin to hear strange noises like scratching on the walls, whispering coming from empty rooms, shadows moving around the house, and seeing things out of the corner of their eyes, foul smells, etc. All of these things are done very subtly. This is so the person will begin to second guess themselves, doubt themselves, and eventually go crazy. In most cases nothing will ever happen to anyone else in the home, just that one person (the target). This is also done in order to make everyone else doubt the person or make them think that the person is crazy. If no one believes the targeted person then it makes it that much easier to break the individual down mentally because that person will begin to seriously think that they are crazy. If it does get to that point the person will then usually develop the mind set of “I give up”, or “Just do whatever it is your going to do and get it over with” or something that indicates that they give up mentally and emotionally. Once the person has said or done that, then possession could occur.
Possession - This is when the demon actually enters into the person and takes control. Unless you are a part of the person’s immediate family or close friend you may never know the person is possessed. The person will not be possessed all day everyday like some people believe. It is random. In some cases the person did not even know they were possessed.
If someone is possessed there are often certain signs of it. For example, the person may suddenly be able to speak a language fluently that they never learned, they may know things about people that no one else knows, they do not want anything to do with church or holy items, they can’t stand to hear the name Jesus Christ, and they may show sudden signs of super human strength. There are of course more signs than that but these are the most common. One other way to tell if someone is possessed is that the person will not remember when they are. Unless someone has told the person what they did while they were possessed then they simply won’t remember anything that may have happened. If they claim that they do remember then they aren’t victims of possession but simply looking for attention. Now having said that, there are ways for the clergy and R. Demonologist’s to tell if someone is really possessed or not. I will not however say what they are for obvious reasons. Just know that most clergy and R. Demonologist’s can tell so it would be wise for you not to act like it to get attention because you would only cause yourself embarrassment. This leads me to the fact that clergy would need to be called in to perform an exorcism. Only clergy can perform an exorcism and it has to be a Catholic priest because the Catholic Church is the only denomination that knows how to perform one properly. R. Demonologist’s can not perform an exorcism on a person but they can assist if needed by the priest.