Private residence with claims of waking with handprint bruises to inner thighs, feeling of a presence in the room with her, and hearing her name called out to her at work
He will come
Brenda trying to call
Archie Bunker
Can the light help us
Come on
((laughing)), What, after you dude, could never, beat her, I know, at ??, I'm perfect
Did Art see her, Yeah
Don't know, Ice help
Evil people want you
Four Boys
Freya, irritate, oh shit, she has to go
Get 'em
Get out
Go ask, can they hear us, I'll go ask her
Go back now
Her king, Hi
Hoo Hoo Ya
I'm staying, Am too
Yes, Wolves coming for me, they got me, made me fall
Must seen that, maybe, Ill do that, drop him
Or What
Protect yourself, game on, You're next, pushing us out
Really Cold
What I thought
What's around me, Go back, forced, we pray , old sacral, Daniel, Uriel
Where is the cat
Where'd he go, He's right here
Who sits here
Why you
Works up in here
Yes, Yes
Yes, I can do it, I can do it
You can, Maybe, Gotcha, Not even home
Bobbie taking notes